First of all, Japan left the tournament of World Cup after fine performance and exciting games. I wanted for them to win, watching their games outside of Japan made me want to support them more than ever.
I came back to Bristol again after visiting Wales. There were big family reunion here and I met my cousins(new cousins too, actually. Yeah!!). And after having a great fun here again, I went to a music festival at Kent from Friday and came back today. Thanks to my Dad's friend, he put my name on the guest list and I was able to see many famous artists, including Van Morrison, Ray Davis and Bob Dylan. My favorite was Ray Davis but they were all good. They know how to entertain the audience. After the festival and the scorching heat in Kent, again I came back to Bristol today.
So, mainly what I did for last few weeks was having fun, or maybe for last few months.
My plan after here is Shetland island which is north from Scotland. I'm hoping to sail to Norway from there but there might be no ferry for that route so if not, I'll fly. But either way I'll be leaving Bristol sometime next week and will be leaving UK during July. Another ten days or so and it'll be three months since I started my trip. Good times. Borrowing the words Nadal said earlier today after winning the Wimbledon, "Es más que un sueño". In English, he said "it's beyond my dream" or something like that. Maybe I'm not using it right but anyway I'm having a good time and glad that I still have another eight months.
picture is a peregrine falcon leaping from a dead branch in bristol