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It was very misty when I started hiking this morning around ten. It wasn't cold but I was expecting a sunny day like yesterday so I was a bit worried that it might rain. From below, the summit was hidden by a thick fog and I could see it gradually invading the surface as the wind blew. Cool and good temperature for walking. As I got closer and closer to the summit, misty air was clearing up. I was above it. Around noon I reached the summit of Snowdon. Very open view, like that of the Grand Canyon. Had a break at the top, saw mountain train and I started descending. Going down was easier as usual. No rain, just a few drops.
Bought food for tonight and headed toward hostel. I wanted to see today's match, England vs Algeria, but there is no TV in this hostel or pub nearby, so meanwhile I'm writing this. I might hop into a pub to see Japan vs Netherlands tomorrow.
Very fine day again. I left Porthmadog around eleven and started walking toward hostel. I thought about taking a bus to the hostel but checking in wasn't available till five. I didn't want to arrive too early and wander around with my big backpack, so I decided to walk. At least to Beddgelert, where I can catch a bus goes to hostel directly. It wasn't an easy walk, super heavy backpack! Distance was about eight miles, which isn't too bad, but with the weight on my shoulder and the heat made it difficult. Car would take only ten minutes but I had to walk for four and a half hours with resting few times. Goodness of today's walk was that it wasn't raining, and the scenery was nice. I think it was worth it. And I have to train myself carrying my pack long distance, I don't have a car any more. So, it turned out as a very good day. Training in a beautiful day with a view.
After Beddgeler was easy. Wait for a bus and done. My plan tomorrow is to climb Snowdon.
picture: resting point at Prenteg bus station. four and a half miles to go.
Already nearly two weeks since my last post. These are highlights of last couple of weeks.
After London, I went to Bristol. I met my dad and uncle family there. Celebrated my granddad's eightieth birthday. We left Bristol and went to north east of York(not sure of the location because I had no clue where I was)to see sea birds and camped at a farm by the coast. So many birds! I've never seen so many sea birds on one sight and such diversity of birds. My knowledge about birds was and still is not good, but now I know a little about those sea birds I saw there. Four days of rain and cloudy weather were a bit annoying, but the strong wind helped us to see interesting actions of the sea birds. Very dynamic and acrobatic movements. Spectacular! Although we enjoyed seeing such a view in a stormy weather, I was very excited to see the sun on the last day. So nice to feel it's warmth on me.
After the camp, we visited my dad's friend. They live in a very nice house and a garden. Then came back to Bristol again. And today, after saying good bye to my dad because I won't see him till when I go back to Japan, I resumed my solo trip. Next destination, Wales. About six hours on a train, I reached Porthmadog, north west of Wales. Decided to come here because I heard that Snowdonia national park is very beautiful. My plan after Porthmadog was to hop on a steam train and stay at a hostel, which didn't happen. Hostel was fully booked for tonight! So I'm stuck in B&B in Porthmadog. Much expensive than hostel but it's okay sometimes.
I didn't know the language they speak here was so different from English. They will talk to me in English, but when they are talking to each other, Welsh all over again. Absolutely no idea what they are talking about.
I'll move to hostel tomorrow. Very excited to hike around the area.
picture: puffins in a row and a gannet studying the wind
Blue in the sky, today was the day to walk around the city. First of all, I started my walk by visiting the tower bridge. On the way, I passed the millennium bridge and Tate modern again, and Shakespeare's globe. Many tourists around, getting there and also on the bridge. I don't know why but there were few TV crews around the area filming something. After seeing that big bridge in blue, I headed for Reagent's park. Another park I learned back in college. Very big park and it was nice just hanging around because of the fine weather. Strolled along in the park and left from the opposite gate I entered. It was interesting going through Camden market. Many tourists again and so many shops selling all sorts of stuff. I found a graffiti of a fishing boy by Banksy in Camden.
Walked around St Paul's in the evening and that's about it for today. I'll leave London for Bristol tomorrow. Seems the weather will stay good.
picture: tower bridge and a duck in reagent's park
Today was fifth day in London. Weather isn't as good as America. Typical Britain weather I guess, shower or gray sky. I did have moments with nice blue sky showing, but it's raining again today. Till now, I've visited Serpentine gallery, china town in soho, millennium bridge, Tate modern, St Paul's cathedral and British museum. I had a plan to walk around the central London today, but since it's raining I decided not to. Maybe tomorrow, when the weather is better.
I think I'll spend nearly two months in UK. It is possible to change anytime, but that'll mean my longest stay in one country during this trip. I want to travel around all over, including Ireland. I hear June and July is good season, so looking forward to have another great time in this island country. I have no idea yet, but as soon as I start moving, I think I'll remember how big America was.
picture: St Paul's from millennium bridge. seeing good pictures in black and white at the Tate, I felt like trying my self.