Tuesday 24 August 2010


I stayed in Kiruna for two days. Thought about leaving on the 23rd, but at the hostel, I heard that the highest mountain in Sweden is near Kiruna. So I did some research and decided to climb "Kebnekaise", the highest mountain in Sweden on the 24th.
Took the bus to Nikkaluokta from Kiruna. From there I had to walk about 20 kilometers to the hostel. With my backpack, which has many stuff I don't need for hiking or climbing mountain. Anyway, I started the hike around half eleven and reached the hostel at Kebnekaise almost five hours later. The track led me to the hostel wasn't too bad. Sometimes rocky but much better than what I imagined. I couldn't book a night at the hostel so I had to sleep outside in my tent. It is free to camp outside but I preferred sleeping inside in a warm bed. The weather forecast at the hostel said it's going to be somewhere around -4degrees. I wore everything I had.

picture: taken the next day during the hike. it's snowing!

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