Yesterday I didn't go out much. Instead, stayed inside and watched the champions league final. I didn't notice that it was yesterday, but my roommate was talking about it excitedly so I decided to watch. At least that was what I thought I was going to do. There is a theatre room here and that was going to be our stadium, but despite the fact that there are thousands of channel, the program we wanted to see wasn't on! Come on!! Forget about the theatre, we decided to move to a sports bar nearby. And yes they were showing it. We missed like twenty minutes, but not a big deal, score was 0-0…well, that wasn't an issue, but we being there was kind of an issue. The bartender said "you two, you have your ID?" us, as we shook our heads side to side "……" bartender "well, you can't stay here then. It says on the front door." Since my roommate is 20 (he sure look older than me), we had to leave the place. We were this close to see one of the biggest match of the year. After that, our final option was to go back to our room and watch it on the internet. Which wasn't so great. Kept stopping because of the slow internet and stuff. Anyway, that was yesterdays high light. We went out a bit afternoon but that was it.
Today, I followed my roommate's advice again. Visit Alcatraz. I wasn't that in to it, but I thought why not, it's famous and it could be a great experience. So after having breakfast, we headed for the port to catch a ferry to go to Alcatraz. But we found out that ticket for today's tour were all sold out. Oops. We decided to see the "America's crookedest street" instead. Very crooked indeed. I can't imagine someone would want to drive that road. Not fun. After that, we came back to the hostel.
It may sound I was unlucky time to time, but I had a good time here. In San Francisco you can just go around the neighborhood to see the city, or do a real sightseeing, such as Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz, Cable car, crooked street and so on. Anyways you can see many things in this city. Even now, just sitting on my bed with my mac, I can here a man playing saxophone, and many police cars, people laughing or shouting sometimes… there are many things going on around you wherever you are. Also I had fine weather here too.
Tomorrow I'll fly to New York. Don't know what it's going to be like but I hear many positive things about the city. Hope the weather will be nice again.
not a good picture, but it's a very crooked road.
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